Permission to Play

Permission to Play One of the main objectives of my Improv for Coaches course is to expand your range by playing more and thinking less about getting it right. Playing improv games helps to tap into your creativity, a place where there’s less judgement and more fun...

I don’t have a story

I don’t have a story. And even if I did, it doesn’t matter because no one is interested in my story anyway. I don’t know how to write. I’m useless at public speaking. I am going to say the wrong things. I’m much better when I’m in the background supporting others. My...

How do you prepare for a presentation?

How do you prepare for a presentation? Of course there’s thinking about your audience, your stories, and your key message. Then there’s structuring your ideas into an impactful talk. But what do you do just before you step out to meet your audience? Here’s what I do...